So far, I have been guided in my work primarily by a research-critical habitus, which I pursue within new media, photography, video, or in the form of installations and performance art. Many of my works are created in collaboration with my colleague Julia Hainz.
One of my main artistic fields of action is the examination of role expectations and social stereotyping, within which I not only criticize sexist & lookist clichés, but rather attempt to structurally examine, point out and satirize social norming processes.
From 2014 to 2019 I studied art education and fine art at the Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg in the class of Michael Munding.
In 2019-2022 I studied media art, exhibition design/scenography and art studies/media philosophy at the Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe.
My collaboration in the research project "Adaptive Images. Technology and aesthetics of situative digital imaging" results in a contribution to the 1st volume of "Das Digitale Bild - Adaptivität" on the topic "Adaptive images in modern agriculture".
As a musician and DJ, I have been playing mainly in German-speaking countries since 2014. In 2014 I also founded the interdisciplinary, feminist collective "Trouble in Paradise" with the event series of the same name at Musikverein in K4. In September 2016, with the support of Karin Kolb, I launched the 1st issue of "Trouble in Paradise - Girl* Gang Riot Mag", a print magazine featuring work by over 25 female artists*.
Currently I am working at the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design (ABK Stuttgart) as a researcher and lecturer.
1985 born in Kelheim
2006 Training as a health and nursing care worker
2010 Study nursing specialist, Munich
2014 Abitur, Hermann Kesten College, Nuremberg
2014-2019 Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts, Nuremberg
since 2018 Freelance artist and speaker, lecturer
2019 - 2022 Studies University of Arts and Design Karlsruhe (HfG)
since 2022 research assistant Academy of Fine Arts, Stuttgart
seminars/lectures at the Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg and the Friedrich-Alexander University Nuremberg/Erlangen
2020/21 Lectureship at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Nuremberg/Erlangen at the Chair of Pedagogy with focus on Culture and Aesthetic Education
since 2022 at the Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart / research assistant
since 2022 Conception "Mediation in Transformation" - an experimental field at the interface of art, theory, education
02/2023 Mediation in Transformation - Winterschool - 3-day lecture and workshop program
07/2023 Mediation in Transformation - Summerschool - 4 day lecture and workshop program
2016 | artist residency „Wintercampus 2016“ | Kalbe
2016 | artist residency „Sommercampus 2016“ | Kalbe
2018 | stipend | Ausstellungslabor | AdBK Nürnberg
2018 | stipend | Bay. Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung, Kunst | HfG Karlsruhe
2019 | artist residency & stipend | summer academy Salzburg
2021 | stipend | Auftakt Kunst | City of Heidelberg
2023 | stipend | studio funding | City of Stuttgart
2024 | project funding "Symbiotic Approach" | City of Stuttgart
2021 | Carmen Westermeier: Coworking auf dem Trecker. Das menschliche Auge und die Digitalisierung in der Landwirtschaft. In: Matthias Bruhn, Kathrin Friedrich, Lydia Kähny und Moritz Queisner (Hg.): Adaptivität. Begriffe des digitalen Bildes. Bd 1, München 2021, S. 48–70. ubm/epub.76958.
2021 | Umgau Magazin | Idealform
2022 | Frame[less] Magazin |
2023 | Position | Körper Kunst Klassismus | Gespräch | Ausstellungskatalog
2014-2017 | Member of the Association for the Promotion of the Contemporary Music Scene North Bavaria e. V.
2014 | Founder of the feminist artist collective Trouble in Paradise (Nuremberg)
since 2018 | member of the collective DAF - Dynamisch Akustische Forschung (Nuremberg)
since 2018 | Registered lecturer at the Association for Pop Culture Bavaria e.V.
2019 | Founding member of the collective Blex (Karlsruhe)
2020 | Collaboration in the research project "Adaptive Images. Technology and aesthetics of situative digital imaging"
2020 | University initiative "Forum" for democratic participation of students in university political discourses at the HfG Karlsruhe
2020 | Founding member of the agency "Safe the Dance" - workshops and concepts for safe(r) spaces
2020 | Collaboration in the project "Queering Media Theory" at the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design / KIM research group on artificial intelligence and media philosophy
2020 | University initiative "Community Toolkits for HfG Karlsruhe". A workshop series and a design space for the present and future of the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design.
2023 | university initiative "AG Diversität". AG Diversity is an open alliance of teachers and students of the State Academy of Fine Arts, ABK Stuttgart. The goal is a diversity-oriented opening and strengthening of a power-critical and discrimination-sensitive awareness within the Academy of Fine Arts with regard to its teaching and political structure.
2014 | Queer Ass Unicorn | KunstKulturQuartier | Nürnberg (group exhibition)
2015 | Die längste Pfeife | Akademie Galerie | Nürnberg (group exhibition)
2015 | Jahresausstellung der Akademie d. B. K. | Nürnberg (group exhibition)
2015 | Trouble in Paradise | Tafelhalle | Nürnberg (performance)
2016 | You're just to good to be true | CFA | Berlin (group exhibition)
2016 | Rundgänge „Wintercampus Kalbe“ | Kalbe (group exhibition)
2016 | Rundgänge „Sommercampus Kalbe“ | Kalbe (group exhibition)
2016 | Cultural Transit | Ekaterinburg (Russia) (group exhibition)
2016 | Jahresausstellung der Akademie d. B. K. | Nürnberg (group exhibition)
2016 | Pomme de Terre | Hochschule für B. K. | Hamburg (group exhibition)
2017 | Hygiene | Edel Extra | Nürnberg (group exhibition)
2017 | Beauty & Nails by Carmen | Edel Extra | Nürnberg (solo exhibition)
2018 | Tape Loop Orchester | K4 | Nürnberg (performance & sound)
2018 | Sheela Na Gig | Akademie d.B.K. | Nürnberg (solo exhibition w J. Hainz)
2018 | TapeLoopOrchester | It isn't happening | Nürnberg (sound&performance)
2018 | Beauty & Nails by Carmen | Oettinger V. | Dortmund (performance)
2018 | Heavy Metal Erntedank | Kunstpalais | Erlangen (group exhibition)
2018 | Sheela Na Gig | Ludwigs | Nürnberg (solo exhibition)
2019 | DAF goes CHE | Nextex | St. Gallen (CH) (group exhibition)
2019 | Frauen.Bilder.Weiterdenken | Erlangen (lecture performance)
2019 | Künstlerhaus im KunstKulturQuartier | Nürnberg (performance)
2019 | Museumsquartier | YUP | Osnabrück | (performance & exhibition)
2019 | Galerie Defektur | Berlin (performance)
2019 | Electronic Synthesis | Chemnitz (performance)
2019 | Nordkurve | Nürnberg (performance)
2020 | Ars Electronica | Pla(n)tform | Linz (online group exhibition)
2020 | Bewegliche Identitäten | Kulturbunker | Köln (group exhibition)
2020 | Story of Lilith Burmond | Esslingen (performance)
2020 | RIXC Art Science Festival | Riga (group exhibition)
2021 | Diving Deep Into The Space of Interaction | Dresden (performance)
2021 | Experimance Festival für Klangkunst | Saarbrücken (performance)
2021 | The Body Image as Human Image as Brave New Bodies | Leipzig (group exhibition)
2021 | Hoffnung bewegt | Künstlerhaus Karlsruhe (group exhibition)
2022 | EXTRA BOLD | Paradoxon Heidelberg (solo exhibition)
2022 | EXTRA BOLD | Kultur Kiosk Stuttgart (solo exhibition)
2022 | HfG Karlsruhe Graduates 21/22 | Hochschule für Gestaltung KA (group exhibition)
2022 | Literal Bodies | Künstlerhaus Nürnberg (group exhibition)
2022 | sister twister | Zeitraumexit | Mannheim (performance)
2022 | EXTRA BOLD | Trigger Theaterfestival | Nürnberg (performance & installation)
2022 | EigenArt Kunstpreis | Bremervörde (group exhibition)
2022 | Habibi Kiosk | Kammerspiele München (talk & exhibition)
2023 | Zwinger x Carmen Westermeier | Theater & Orchester Heidelberg (performance)
2023 | Queer to stay - ***starchildren | Zeitraumexit Mannheim (group exhibition & performance)
2023 | Als wäre ich du | basis projektraum Frankfurt am Main (group exhibition)
2023 | BIENNIAL OF CONTEMPORARY ART Mulhouse 023 | Motoco Mulhouse France (group exhibition)
2023 | Bouncing Boundaries | TOR art space Frankfurt am Main (performance & group exhibition)
2024 | (Maybe) you cringed me,… | Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart (performance)